


How To Hookup Like A Gentleman

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It is not difficult to act like a gentleman. Guys, if you are looking for an amazing hook up with a great lady, be a gentleman. Even if it's a one-time thing, treat her like a lady, do nice things! Something you could do is take her out for dinner first or suggest a nice bottle of wine when you first meet. Don't make it seem like you just want in her pants and then toss her to the curb. Even though sex hookups are more about having sex with no strings attached, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy some time together before and after. Dedicate the entire date to her.

Put down your phones. No one wants to hang around someone when all they do is check their phone or text people when they're out with someone else. We get it, it's not a hook up that you want to turn into a full-blown relationship, however, you can act like a gentleman so that you don't become known as a douchebag.

Being a gentleman shouldn't be too much work for you. A couple of very simple things to remember should make your hookup a positive and memorable experience. Choose your words wisely and just be yourself. You do not have to share personal things about yourself, but you can discuss likes and dislikes. Maybe you are both into sports. Maybe you like the same kind of movies. There may even be a compliment or two that you can give. The trick is to remember is to treat people the way you want to be treated. Even if you aren't feeling it and do not want to see this person again. You can always just let her know after your hookup or message the next day. Don't ghost her because that is definitely not being gentleman-like behavior.

Take Her Out To Dinner First

When you are planning a sex hookup, most of the time it is with someone new although there are people who know the person they are hooking up with. Breaking the ice is key and being a gentleman can be a big part of that. Ask the woman if she wants to go out for dinner first. There is also the possibility that your hookup is a two-day thing. The first night you can go out for dinner and the second night you can meet up for drinks and sex. There are all kinds of variables. Be a gentleman and make some subtle suggestions. All woman are attracted to men who act like gentlemen. That kind of behavior will definitely make your sex hookup so much more enjoyable.

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Dinner is always a good way to break the ice. If she agrees to have dinner ahead of time, open the door for her, push in her chair and order a bottle of wine. Usually, ladies who are hooking up will pay their own way but if you really want to turn on the gentleman switch, offer to pay for dinner. Being kind goes a long way and will make your experience positive and memorable. You will also bring out the best in her when you act like a gentleman. Manners is also a part of hooking up like a gentleman. Someone with bad manners will be a total turnoff while someone who displays good manners will be respected.

If dinner is the plan and you both agree, ask her what her favorite food is and make a reservation. You don't want to waste the entire evening by waiting for a table. Be organized, be kind, be a gentleman and you can expect similar behavior from your hookup!

Have A Discussion And Share A Little Bit About Yourself

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When you engage in a sex hookup it's not all about jumping in the sack and saying goodbye. People want to know a little bit about the person they are about to share the most intimate of moments with. If you are out for dinner or drinks, ask her a little bit about herself. Questions like what kind of work are they into, what their favorite hobby is etc sill show that you are interested and shows your gentleman side. You can then tell her a little bit about yourself. Be careful not to brag or go overboard. Let her know a few things about yourself that you want her to know.

Thee are topics to stay away from when you are discussing things with your sex hookup partner. You won't be asking things like how many sexual partners have you had. Or, how much money do you make; what's your religious background and who do you vote for. Things like that are ridiculous to ask someone you do not really know so keep those questions tucked away, far away.

The best way to feel out a conversation and be a gentleman about it is to listen. Listen to her when she talks and you can pick up on things that could lead to meaningful questions. Sometimes ladies put things out there and guys, you just have to try and price them together. For instance, if she says that she comes from a family of hockey players but doesn't elaborate, ask her what her favorite team is and who her favorite player is. Things like that will really make the conversation flow without all of the awkwardness.

How To Bring Up STD's or STI's Without Offending

There is a time in a conversation when the tough questions need to be asked. Especially if you are the type of person who really cares about their own health and wants to make sure you are not inviting an STI or STD and that if you have any type of sexual infection or disease, you let your sex hookup know immediately. You can be a gentleman about it and bring it up as though you want to share something with her. Say that you just wanted to let her know that you don't have any sexually transmitted worries and then you can ask her. She may offer it up before you get the chance to ask the question.

Be prepared and have some medical documentation to back up what you are saying about yourself. It sounds like a lot more work than it has to be. You can get these medical papers from your doctor every time you go for a medical. There is nothing wrong with asking her for some proof as well. If she doesn't have anything, I guess you'll just have to cover it up with a condom. Having safe sex would be a wise thing to do either way.

This is a great conversation piece that you can take to the next level. When you and your hookup are discussing each others health, you can open it up as to what you expect from others. While you don't want to come right out and ask how many sexual partners she has had, you can always offer up a little bit about yourself. Whether it's a fact or a bit made up, sharing and opening up a bit can really make your experience a positive one and makes you come across as a gentleman.

Be Honest With Your Hookup About Seeing Each Other Again

You are coming up to the end of your hookup and you really want to see this woman again for a sex hookup. How would a gentleman go about doing something like that? First of all, you would most likely tell her how beautiful she is and how much you enjoyed your time together. Feel it out a little bit and see if she feels the same way. If you see an opening and are curious as to how the girl feels, ask her if she would like to get together again. No strings attached. When you are hooking up with someone and it really works, you may find yourself hooking up with the same person on a more regular level. You can have the conversation directly after sex or wait a few days, message her and see if she wants to hook up again sometime.

If you were not into the woman you hooked up with, don't be a douchebag, break it to her gently. You may not even have to do that if you don't hear from her again. If she does, however, get back in touch with you because she wants to see you again you need to be honest. The gentlemanly way to do that is to tell her that you are flattered but the feeling is not mutual. Tell her you had a good time but you are just not feeling a connection. If you are not 100% sure that you feel that way, there are other ways to handle it. Maybe it was an off day and you think you should try it again. If she is interested and you want to give it another try, go for it. If after that time your initial feeling was accurate, you will need to be honest and tell her the truth. Tell her it was nice but you think it's time to move on. There is nothing wrong with being honest as long as you are a gentleman about it.

Do Not Ghost The Woman If You Are Not Interested

This goes hand in hand with talking about not seeing each other anymore. The keyword here is TALKING about it. When you ignore someone because you didn't enjoy the experience or you feel like you just don't want to talk to that person, you are not being a gentleman. There is nothing worse than having someone ignore you, not return your messages and pretend you don't exist. That is highly unfair and is definitely not gentleman-like behavior.

I think all of us has had this happen at one time or another and it is one of the most frustrating things that you will ever experience. It's like the person falls off the face of the earth and you have no idea what you did wrong, what happened and why you went from being so important to mean nothing. Remember one thing, if you are a recipient of this cowardly behavior, it's not your fault. If your plan is to do this to someone, give your head a shake and don't be so selfish. Tell the woman why you are not interested and be honest. It's much better than being an ass!

The only way someone can learn from their mistakes or things that turn people off is if they are told the truth. If it is a sexual thing, tell them that you're just not feeling it between the sheets. If it's a personality trait, tell them. You can get your point across politely and at least it will let the person know why you are not interested.

Positive Energy Means A Positive Experience

You will always get a lot more out of a sex hookup when you put out some positive energy. Some people are not on the same page but when you throw out positive thoughts and positive energy, the outcome can be very different. Instead of looking for faults in your hookup, be that person that sees all of the positive things about her/him. Be a gentleman, smile a lot and watch it all come back to you.

No matter what anyone says. When you spread positive vibes and energy, your world is a much happier place. There is nothing holding you back from being a positive person so give it a try.

Read All About Treating Your Hookup Sex Partner Properly

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How To Hook Up Like A Gentleman - LocalMatches.com

Guys, if you are looking for an amazing hook up with a great lady, be a gentleman. Even if it's a one-time thing, treat her like a lady, do nice things!

How To Hook Up Like A Gentleman - LocalMatches.com